Are you having a rough day? Have you encountered someone who was not as pleasant as you thought they should be? Do you know some people casually who seem to always be in a bad mood?
Consider that other people’s anger and unpleasantness is probably not about you. You might just be an easy target. Consider the fact that everyone has some struggle in their life, real or imagined. Try to be more considerate.
Consider that they may be going through something very difficult in their life or affecting a loved one. Think for a minute don’t just react.
Consider if you might be a force for good. Consider if you might overcome your struggle and the struggle of those around you by being more upbeat. More positive. More considerate of others.
That’s what Cary Berman the author of Genesis : Living with Tay-Sachs has done. Cary has a rare genetic disorder that he prefers to refer to as a medical challenge rather than a disease. He prefers to meet his challenge with a positive attitude that unlike his “disease” is contagious. The minute you meet him you know you are in the presence of an individual who has practiced the art of being considerate. He lives “the golden rule” treating others as he would like to be treated and immediately inspires those around him.
Genesis : Living With Tay-Sachs (Infinity Publishing) is partly about the disorder but mostly about the author and his friends, and how he has decided to “Live With” it, not simply struggle against it.
Learn how Cary has used water therapy in the form of ritual “mikvas” to improve his condition and his overall feeling of well being.
In this episode of Authors Showcase author Cary Berman discusses his book and his positive approach to his health challenge, characterized as “late onset” Tay-Sachs. The juvenile version is typically terminal.
Though more widespread than originally thought, Tay-Sachs is seen in larger numbers among people of Eastern-European Jewish descent. Cary who is one of the founding members of his synagogue identifies himself as spiritual rather than religious and feels that the occurrences of seeming coincidences in his life are rarely happenstance.
“Authors Showcase” is a production of and can be seen at youtube, on our website, and on Chicago cable channel 25 as well as other selected cable TV stations. Reno Lovison host and executive producer.